Plexr – a non-invasive eyelid lift

Plexr is the latest, non-invasive and non-surgical method of treating drooping eyelids. It involves precise sublimation (evaporation) of the excess skin, removal of the epidermis and stimulation of the regeneration processes in the dermis. It is an excellent alternative to invasive, surgical procedures.



  • Drooping upper eyelids
  • Wrinkles and weak skin around and under the eyes, commonly known as bags under the eyes
  • Wrinkles around lips (smoker’s lines)
  • Wrinkles around the ears,
  • Xanthelasma,
  • Fibroma, viral and seborrheic warts
  • Scars and stretch marks
  • Improvement of skin elasticity.

How to prepare for the procedure:

  • The treatment is preceded by a medical consultation.
  • Plexr treatment is not to be performed on tanned skin.
  • The treatment is performed under topical anesthetesia with cream.

Procedure description and effects:

The procedure involves making small points on the surface of the skin through the plasma generated by the PLEXR, each at a distance of about 0.5 mm from each other, allowing to maintain the perfect movement of the eyelid until the end of the procedure. Each of these points results in sublimation (evaporation) of superficial layers of the epidermis without damaging its base layer, bleeding and most importantly, without causing damage and necrosis of the surrounding tissues. The procedure can be performed only by a qualified and trained doctor.

  • Plexr is a non-contact procedure. Sublimation points of about 0.5mm in the form of tiny scabs last from 4 to 7 days. Thanks to this non-ablative technique, we achieve a significant improvement in skin tone around the eyes and, consequently, eliminate skin folds and permanent wrinkles.
  • The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.
  • During the procedure the patient may experience warmth and burning.
  • In the treatment of drooping eyelids it is advised to undergo 1-3 procedures at 1-2 month intervals, depending on the advancement of ageing.
  • The therapeutic effect lasts for 2-4 years.

After the procedure:

  • Immediately after the procedure, in addition to small scabs (sublimation points), erythema and swelling may appear on the skin, and the patient may feel slight discomfort and burning. The swelling may last over a few days following the procedure.
  • The patient may use appropriate cover-up containing SPF filters.
  • After a few days scabs will fall off, and the skin in the places of the procedure may be irritated and sensitive
  • It is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun for 6-8 weeks
  • Dermocosmetics should be used to aid regeneration and faster healing of the skin.
  • Saunas, swimming pools and physical exercise should be avoided for about 7-10 days


  • Pregnancy
  • Acute bacterial and viral skin infections
  • Neoplastic diseases
  • Fresh tan