Effective reduction of fat tissue and cellulite. It is a unique technology that uses Coolwaves™ to reach selected fat tissue and reduce it in a non-invasive manner.


ONDA is a three in one treatment: fat tissue reduction, cellulite reduction, and skin firming.
Reduction localised fat tissue. Coolwaves™ (microwaves) penetrate deep into the membrane of fatty cells and demolish them with precision. Dead cells are then removed from the body by natural metabolic processes.
Cellulite reduction. A special head penetrates fat tissue at different depths, effectively breaking down cellulite of varying degree.
Skin firming. Microwaves emitted by ONDA contract collagen fibres and stimulate new collagen production, resulting in skin firming and rejuvenation.
ONDA has two heads for non-invasive tissue penetration at different depths, and an integrated contact cooling system to ensure comfort and safety of the procedure.
The most commonly treated areas are thighs, abdomen, arms, buttocks, knee area, back, and waistline (love handles).
The best results are achieved by combining ONDA technology with STORZ Medical D-Actor shock wave.


  • reduction of fat tissue
  • cellulite of varying degree
  • flabby skin

How to prepare for the procedure:

  • It does not require any special preparation.
  • A medical consultation is necessary prior to the procedure.

Procedure description and effects:

  • Before the treatment, fat tissue thickness is evaluated in a patient, and appropriate parameters are selected.
  • A thin layer of glycerine is applied to the treated area, followed by a massage with a head emitting electromagnetic waves.
  • The treatment is completely painless and safe; only slight heat sensation can be felt in the massaged areas.
  • The result is reduced fat tissue and cellulite, improved skin firmness, silhouette-slimming and remodelling.
  • It is recommended to have 3-4 treatments at 4-week intervals.

After the procedure:

  • No recovery period is required.
  • You can return to your daily activities straight after the procedure.
  • Aerobic exercise is recommended within 2 hours following the procedure.


  • pregnancy
  • pacemaker
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases
  • epilepsy
  • varicose veins in the treatment area