Laser removal of pigmented lesions – PhotoDerm Vasculight

Laser removal of pigment lesions is the most effective way to get rid of unwanted freckles, lentigo and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is a non-invasive method that allows for the removal of blemishes without affecting the healthy tissue around them.



  • Freckles,
  • Lentigo,
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation,
  • Melasma,
  • Café au lait spots.

How to prepare for the procedure:

  • The treatment should be preceded by a dermatological consultation to assess the pigmented lesions.
  • Tanning should be avoided.
  • It is advised not to take any photosensitising drugs, supplements and herbs.

Procedure effects:

  • The treatment is performed on pigmented lesions, caused by the action of the sun, inflammation, tanning in a solarium or resulting from the normal skin ageing process.
  • The treatment involves highlighting the discoloured spot with intense pulsating light. At this time, molecules containing the most pigment (melanin) absorb the light and break into small elements that will later be expelled from the body.
  • The most common therapy is a series of treatments performed at 4-6 weeks intervals.

 After the procedure:

  • Depending on the type of discolouration, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure several times.
  • For a few days after the treatment, the spots may be slightly darker. This is not a cause for concern though, over time they will peel off and then gradually fade.
  • It is recommended to use locally-applied healing creams for about 3-7 days.
  • For a period of about a month, you should avoid tanning, and the treated area should be protected with an SPF 50 cream.


  • Fresh tan,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Acute acne,
  • Using photosensitising drugs and remedies.