Laser removal of vascular lesions – Photoderm Vasculight

Laser treatment of vascular lesions allows for the removal of congenital and contracted lesions irrespective of where they are on the body, leaving behind smooth and evenly toned skin. This is a non-invasive treatment that may be safely applied even on children.


  • Erythrosis, transient erythemas
  • Telangiectasia (extended blood vessels),
  • Cherry and spider angiomas
  • Vascular cocci
  • Port-wine stains, cavernous angioma

How to prepare for the procedure:

  • Dermatological consultation.
  • A few days before the procedure do not perform any exfoliation procedures such as peels or mikrodermabrasion.
  • Refrain from using cream and other cosmetics containing retinoids and acids.
  • Stop taking medication, remedies and dietary supplements containing photosensitising herbs and ingredients.

Procedure description and effects:

  • The light parameters on the Vasculight PhotoDerm device are chosen by the physician depending on what lesion is to be removed. This light is absorbed by pigment in the blood (haemoglobin) and is converted into heat. When the blood reaches a sufficiently high temperature, it coagulates and destroys the walls of the vessel. This is how the lesion is removed without any damage to healthy tissue around it.
  • The patient may feel burning, stinging or warmth during the procedure.
  • The number of sessions required to obtain satisfactory results depends on the size, number and type of lesion. For large congenital vascular lesions a series of sessions is required at 4-6 week intervals.

After the procedure:

  • In the places of the laser ‘shot’ the following temporary side effects may occur: erythema, edema, bruising and skin oversensitivity. These symptoms will disappear within a few hours, no longer than in 2-3 days.
  • Following the procedure avoid exposure to the sun, excessive physical exercise, saunas, massages, hot baths.


  • Fresh tan
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking photosensitising drugs and remedies
  • Acute acne.