PHOTOREJUVENATION – PhotoDerm Vasculight

Photorejuvenation is a modern, non-invasive method of removing the signs of premature ageing of the face, neck, upper chest and hands. It’s the perfect way for both women and men to maintain a young, glowing look.


  • First signs of photoageing of the skin,
  • Visible pores,
  • Discolouration and broken capillaries,
  • The loss of skin elasticity.

How to prepare for the procedure:

  • A consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.
  • Prior to the procedure the patient must abstain from taking photosensitising drugs and remedies.
  • The patient should refrain from tanning and using fake tans.
  • The patient should refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours prior to the procedure.

Treatment effects:

  • The treatment should be repeated in cycles of 3-4 procedures, performed optimally once every 4-6 weeks.
  • It is used to remove the symptoms of premature ageing of the skin. It is a non-invasive method, utilising intense pulsating light to rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, upper chest, and hands.
  • Light shortens the length of collagen fibres and stimulates fibroblasts to create new ones.
  • The skin becomes smooth, elastic and free from pigmented and vascular lesions.

After the procedure:

  • Immediately after the treatment the skin may be irritated, swollen, and freckles and discolouration may seem darker. The patient, however, can return to their daily activities.
  • The skin should be protected from sunlight, be very well moisturised, and treated with regenerative creams recommended by the doctor specifically for the patient’s skin type to boost the effects of the treatment.


  • Pregnancy,
  • Fresh tan,
  • Acute acne,
  • Using photosensitising drugs and remedies.